From the Large Print - Large print ed.
Alfred Hitchcock and the epaulets
Remeembering th eearly days in New York
John Foster Dulles and the Blue Angel nightclub
"Once Upon a Mattress" and George Abbott
Rumplemayer's and the mean hostess
Garry Moore's variety show
My dog Bruce and the office
Walking alone at night in New York City
Nanny's visit to New York
Viewer discretion advised
Lunchtime at the turkey farm
Tarzan and Bergdorf Goodman
John Steinbeck and the twenty-fourth floor
Carey, Harvey, and Tim at the racetrack
Adrienne Lenore Weingardt
Carol Channing and food for thought
Lucy, Zero, and Carol + 2
Dinner with Lucy at the farmers' market
Julie, Mike Nichols, and the lady in the elevator
"The Front Page" and mea culpa
Keeping up with Pine Valley while in Europe
How not to make small talk with royalty
Stanwyck and the leprechaun
Living in a high-rise all alone
Questions and answers on the road
Hal Prince, "Hollywood Arms", Carrie